Take Out

Our entire menu is available for takeout!

There are 2 ways to order Take Out from Claws

1) Call Claws directly

At (207) 596-5600 During business hours, you will speak to a friendly takeout specialist who will input your order for the time and day you wish to pick it up.
Outside of regular business hours you may leave a message at the tone, leave your detailed order along with your name, phone number and desired pick-up time and date (pick-up must be during regular business hours unless another time has been pre-arranged with management).
We ask for at least a one-hour notice for orders left by message.

2) In person

Either at the takeout service window or from the comfort of your vehicle. You may now Pay for and Pick up your order at the all-new pick-up window.This new service should make the process fast and smooth – ENJOY !

Place your order at either window for fast and friendly service!

Nestled in the Lobster Capital of the World, Rockland, Maine, overlooking the harbor, Claws offers only the freshest seafood available sourced from local fishermen.



© 2022 CLAWS Rockland Maine. All Rights Reserved. Website Proudly Designed By The BCreative Collective.